Cemetery Works
Boulder, Colorado, USA
established 2001
Paynes Crossing Cemetery,
Ward Township, Hocking County, Ohio
American Civil War Soldier's Story:
Thomas Payne
Private Thomas Payne
Company H, 27th US Colored Infantry

Thomas Payne enlisted on 12 May 1864 as a Private. His age was reported as 30 years.

Thomas Payne was mustered into Company H, 27th US Colored Infantry regiment on 04 June 1864. He served 16 months; 12 May 1864 to 21 Sept 1864.

While Thomas Payne was in service, the 27th US Colored Infantry regiment was engaged in the following battles that had a direct impact on the course of the war and / or a decisive influence on a campaign:
  • before Petersburg, Va., 15-19 Jun 1864
  • siege on Petersburg and Richmond, Va., 16 June to 07 December 1864
        The regiment was heavily engaged in the Battle on the Crater [or Mine Explosion] on 30 June
        and suffered 74 casualities; 11 KIA, 45 WIA, 18 POW
  • Globe Tavern or Weldon Railroad_II, Va., 18 - 21 August 1864
  • Chaffin's Farm or New Market Heights, Va., 29 - 30 September 1864
  • expedition to, assault and capture of Fort Fisher_II, North Carolina, 07 - 15 January 1865

    The 27th US Colored Infantry regiment participated in the capture of Wilmington, NC, 12 - 22 February 1865, and General William T. Sherman's Campaign of the Carolinas, 01 March - 26 April 1865, and was present at the surrender of General Joseph E. Johnston and the CSA Army of Tennessee on 26 April 1865 at Bennett House near Durham's Station, North Carolina.

    Thomas Payne, and the regiment, was mustered out on 21 September 1865.

    Other Information regarding Thomas Payne
  • born 1834 in Virginia
  • married Ellen Norman in 1869 in Hocking County, Ohio
  • 01 children born in Ohio per 1870 census
  • occupation reported as cooper per 1870 census
  • buried in Paynes Crossing Cemetery, Ward Township, Hocking County, Ohio;
       Lot 01 Grave 04

  • Resources for Thomas Payne Solider's Story
    Historical Data Systems an online fully searchable database which contains extensive information regarding American Civil War soliders, regiments, and events. HDS is a subscription database [$25 per year] and is indispensible to the development of the 'Soldier's Story'.
    Paynes Cemetery webpage on Points of Interest, Athens Unit, Wayne National Forest, USDA Forest Service website.
    Paynes Crossing webpage on Wayne National Forest portion of USDA Forest Service website.
    The US National Park Service Civil War Soldier System online database; an invaluable / impressive resource comprised of three parts:
  • NPS CWSSS Battle Summaries
  • NPS CWSSS Regimental Histories
  • NPS CWSSS Soldiers Names and Records of Union and Confederate database.
  • Cemetery
    Paynes Crossing
    Civil War