Cemetery Works
Boulder, Colorado, USA
established 2001
Letter from Leonard Houston Williams, Jr.,
[my 1st cousin 4 times removed],
to his father-in-law, Aaron R. Estes,
Sgt., Co. B, 10th Texas Infantry
[my 2nd great granduncle]
State of Texas, Hill County
March the 10th A.D. 1862

Deare father,

I now seate my self to rite you a few lines to let you no that we are all well at present but Dony. She is sick but not serious and I hope when these few lines git to hand tha will find you in the same like blessing. We have got bad news from the boys.

Little Len [note01] is ded and I expect from all accounts the balance is ded too. Tha say tha wasent but only ten men got away of G.S. Milbern�s Company, but I dont no whether it is so or not. We cant here the truth here no futher then you can see.

Peaple is in grate Confustion here tho sum men talk of going and sum not and sum of them is ferd of ther own Shadows. I am going to start my self in 15 days to Misouri. I am going in Buffords rigment [note02]/(note_a). I dont no what the Captten�s [note03] name is yet. I havent herd yet. Tha are going to start from Hillsboro. I want you to come home if you can choose. I want to see you before I start. Wee are going in a Cavalry Company. I think I can stand it like a pine not. Wils [note04] is keen to go but i dont beleve he can stand it. _____________ but he dont no wether to face the musick.

The old lady is uneasy about you. She is a feard you is sick or else. She hant got a letter in fore weeks. The wimen is in quite of a (stew) and sum of the men. But as fore the men I dont pitty them all fore tha have got to dance to the musick. Tha is no youse diliberating now or patsy around the pot. Tel Knight I wish he wood git a transfer to go with me to Misouri. I wood like fore you to git a transfer too and go with me too but I had heape rather you wood git a discharge and stay at home to stay. Puss (note_b) sends her care to you and wants to see you mighty bad. She is giting diner while I am riteing. Asalum is gown (hellasd?). He was feard to stay here for fere he wood haft to go to the war too. I want you to come home just as quick _______________as this gits to hand for it wood give me grate satisfaction to see you wontz more at home and be fore I start. So I will bring my letter to a close. So no more at present only I remain your proud sun until deth.

So good by.

L.H. Williams to Aron Estes

Notes received.
[ . . . ] indicates notes included in transcription received.

note01. Little Len is Leonard S. Williams, son of Thomas Williams and Mary Davis who ran away from home and died of the measles in Hopkinsville, KY.

note02.Burford's Regiment {the 19th Texas Cavalry}.

note03. Captain Samuel M. Wright {commander of Co. I, 19th Texas Cavalry; aka, Dresden's Regiment, Navarro County, Texas}.

note04. Wilson Jefferson Hutchison, husband of Aaron and Edward�s sister, Margaret H. Estes.

Compiler Notes
( . . . ) indicates notes/clarification added to transcription or notes by the compiler.

note_a. Leonard H. Williams, Jr., served as a Private in Company I, 19th Texas Cavalry [Burford's] Regiment;
note_b. 'Puss' was the nickname of Leonard Houston Leonard's wife, Narcissuss Jane [nee Estes].