Cemetery Works |
Boulder, Colorado, USA established 2001 |
Columbia Cemetery American Civil War Soldier's Stories Francis M. Ferguson |
Corporal Francis Marion Ferguson, 9th / 10th Missouri Cavalry, died 28 April 1913, 81.9 years of age.
Francis M. Ferguson enlisted as a Corporal in October 1861. He initially served in Co. C, 9th Missouri State Militia Cavalry. In December 1862, Ferguson was among the cavalrymen of four troops transferred to the 10th Missouri Cavalry. Francis M. Ferguson served 14 months in the Missouri 9th S.M. Cavalry regiment and 19 months in the Missouri 10th Cavalry; 33 months, total; October 1861 to July 1864. While Francis M. Ferguson was in service, the 10 Missouri Cavalry regiment was engaged in two battles which had a direct impact on the course of the war and / or a decisive influence on a campaign: Both these engagements were fought to prevent Confederate Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest's forces from interfering with a railroad supply line [Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad] of General William T. Sherman's Atlanta campaign. Nathan Bedford Forrest is regarded as one of the foremost cavalry leaders of the American Civil War. The estimated causalities of the two battle was more than 5,000. The Union causalities were 3,258 of 22,500 soldiers engaged; ie, 1 in 7 soldiers were killed, wounded, or missing in action. Francis M. Ferguson was discharged on 17 July 1864. Sources Additionally information regarding Francis M. Ferguson can be found in his Boulder Genealogical Society biography hosted on the City of Boulder [Colorado, USofA], Parks & Recreation, Columbia Cemetery website. |