Cemetery Works
Boulder, Colorado, USA
established 2001
Soldiers Buried in
Columbia Cemetery
Columbia Cemetery
Civil War
Columbia Cemetery
CWVs Roster;
Surnames A-G
Columbia Cemetery
CWVs Roster;
Surnames H-R
Columbia Cemetery
CWVs Roster;
Surnames S-Z
Columbia Cemetery
State Militia Veterans
Columbia Cemetery
Foreign Wars
Civil War
GAR Flag Holder
Some Other Aspects
Columbia Cemetery Civil War Veterans Roster; Surnames H-R
Surname First Name Middle Name / Initial Alt.name or
or Note
Co. Reg. Num-
or Orgn.
Hall James H. no match
verified :CVGR card
Pvt. K 83rd USC INF
Hamilton Thomas B.   Pvt. B 5th NY INF
Hardin Benjamin J. James Hardin
Pvt. B 15th IA INF
Hartshorn Martin Van   Pvt. H 40th OH INF
Hathaway George W.   Pvt. / - F & H / - 3rd /
4th or 7th
Hathaway Mark M.   Capt. / SgtM. E /
H & HQ
47th / 95th USC / IL INF / INF
Hayward Marshall T.   Pvt. E / G 2nd CO CAV / INF
Healy Nathan M. Healey :NPS CWSS:
26th NY INF
:CVGR card, bio
supports Mich
Sgt. G 8th MI INF
Hills Oscar H.   Pvt. G 38th WI INF
Hinman Peter Mortimer Platt M & Porter A. :CVGR Corpl. D 3rd CO CAV
Hixson Luther   Hixon :NPS CWSS Sgt. G 51st OH INF
Horlocker William     Capt. I 20th WI INF
Howard Wolsey L. Walsey :NPS CWSS;
George Howard
:CVGR card
Pvt. M 3rd CO CAV
Hull Ira     Corpl. A 14th OH INF
Ives John N.   Pvt. G 89th NY INF
Jackson Andrew   HoPV, Note03 Pvt. Batt. G 1st PA RES LA
Jennings William   :CVGR card Pvt. I 80th NY INF
Johnston Marion F. May :CVGR card
175th :CVGR card
Pvt. F 116th NY INF
Jones George T.   Pvt. C 2nd WI INF
Jones Lee Q. Co.I 150th
:CVGR card
Corpl. G 160th NY INF
Jones Thomas     Sailor     US Navy
Keef Michael L. Keefe: NPS CWSS;
Kief :headstone;
40th :NLP5_GAR;
40th & 101st
:NPS CWSS; 4th :headstone
Pvt. / Sgt. K & D / C 40th / 101st NY INF
Kelley James A. Kelly :IL CWV Sgt. C 71st IL INF
Kimball Leander William :HoPv, Note03 1st Lieut. E 111th PA INF
Knapp James   no match
Pvt. K / I 26th MO USA INF
Kohler Frederick W. 190th failed to
organize; other NY
matches :NPS CWSS
Sr., Corpl. D 190th NY INF
Labbo John   Labbe
Pvt. A 5th MO US S.M. CAV
Lamson John W.   Pvt. K 15th IA INF
Laughlin Phillip Henry   Pvt. C / D 184th OH INF
Lawrence VanBuren     Corpl. I 9th MN INF
Leech David E. :HoPV, Note03 Pvt. I 1st PA PRO. CAV
LeFever Daniel Webster   Pvt. D 7th MI CAV
Linville Franklin Z. no info, excepting,
Civil War and
Missouri birthplace
:CVGR card
no data no data no data no data no data
Long Benjamin H.   Pvt. C 3rd CO CAV
Lucas James C.   Corpl. B 6th IA INF
Luther Amos Origin   Corpl. F & S 20th IND INF
Luther Henry E.   Pvt. G 7th / 3rd IND / US CAV / L.ART.
Lytle George     Pvt. C 7th CA INF
Malcom John N. Malcomb
Pvt. K 146th IL INF
Marble William H.   Chapl. F & S 20th WI INF
Marquardt Francis A. Franz
Co.s, D / A, not I :NPS CWSS
Pvt. I 36th IA INF
McGraw Aaron   Civil War:BGS Pvt. A 5th NY Hvy Art
McIntosh Joseph P.   Pvt. D 3rd CO CAV
McIntyre William E. :CVGR Pvt. A 1st CO CAV
McKinley Lewis Austin   Pvt. B 155th IL INF
McNeil Alvin     Pvt. I 30th IA INF
McWade Andrew J. :CVGR card; perhaps,
McQuade or McVay
Merriam John N. middle initial M.
Pvt. G 36th MA INF
Merrow Asa J.   Pvt. A 31st ME INF
Metcalf Eli P.   Sgt. F 1st VT CAV
Meyring Henry E. Myring :SBiCC Sailor   USS Brooklyn US Navy
Miller Charles F.   Pvt. E 1st MN INF
Miller Jacob   no match
  G 5th MO INF
Milner Amos Oliver   Corpl. C 68th IN INF
Montgomery Benjamin Franklin 1st name Franklin :CVToR Pvt. D 3rd CO CAV
Montgomery John Campbell   Pvt. H 43th WI INF
Montgomery John Milton   Pvt. B / E 22nd / 1st OH INF / LT ART
Morgridge William O.   Pvt. B 3rd MI INF
Murdock Charles   :IL CWV Pvt. A 14th IL CAV
Myers Henry S. or J.   Sgt. K 5th US CAV
Napp Charles   Neeb :BGS Pvt. G 115th OH INF
Nichols David H.   Capt. D 3rd CO CAV
Niles Horace S.   1st Sgt. K 1st MN HVY ART
Nott Sheldon P. Notts Corpl. H 17th OH INF
Nyce George W. Veteran of 1862 New Mexico Campaign Sgt. A 1st CO CAV
Ogden Aaron F.   Pvt. G 1st IA CAV
Ohmert Jesse   :IL CWV Pvt. B 34th IL INF
Parsons Nathaniel S. :CVGR card Pvt. H 1st CO CAV
Peck William S.   Pvt. D 30th WI INF
Pell William G.   QM Sgt. D 2nd CO CAV
Pendleton James G.   Pvt. A 7th IL INF
Phillips Stephen S. no info
5 matches
no data no data no data no data Union
Pickle John H. :NPS CWSS;
:family monument
Pvt. B 3rd CO CAV
Pickle Lewis Mitchell Pickel
:family monument
Pvt. B 3rd CO CAV
Pool William H. :CVGR card;
no precise match in
:IL CWV db
Pvt. D 27th IL INF
Potter Robert B.   Pvt. D / F 24th OH INF
Raper Smith M. Raper :headstone;
Roper :IL CWV
Sgt. I / G 62nd IL INF
Reardon Frank S. surname Readen: IL CWV Corpl. G 68th IL INF
Reed Charles C.   Pvt. A 10th IL CAV
Reed James   :CVGR card
and :IL CWV
Lieut. A 75th IL INF
Reed John   :THS and
Pvt. E 51st IL INF
Reed William   :CVGR card
and :IL CWV
Pvt. K 95th IL INF
Riske William B. Risk :headstone
Sgt.   2nd IN LA
Rollings Alfred   Rolings :CVGR
Rollins & Rowlings
Pvt. B 3rd CO CAV
Rouse Sterling D. no match
Corpl. A 8rd MO INF
Rowe Charles     Pvt. K 139th NY INF
Soldiers Buried in
Columbia Cemetery
Columbia Cemetery
Civil War
Columbia Cemetery
CWVs Roster;
Surnames A-G
Columbia Cemetery
CWVs Roster;
Surnames H-R
Columbia Cemetery
CWVs Roster;
Surnames S-Z
Columbia Cemetery
State Militia Veterans
Columbia Cemetery
Foreign Wars
Civil War
GAR Flag Holder
Some Other Aspects