Cemetery Works
Boulder, Colorado, USA
established 2001
Overview Columbia Cemetery
Civil War Vets Roster
Reset and New
Civil War
Columbia Cemetery Civil War Headstone Conservation
Reset American Civil War Headstones
In 2001, about 50 of the 122 Civil War military headstones at Columbia Cemetery were noticed / cataloged as significantly sunken and / or tilted.

In November 2001, I began the task of resetting the most significantly sunken and tilted headstone. Twelve [12] headstones were reset between mid-November and mid-December, 2001. The work was performed utilizing professional monument conservation techniques provided by
   David Via
   Conservator of Gravestones and Monuments
   16852 Tree Lane
   Round Hill, VA, 20141, USA
   (912) 657-3157
in the form of demonstration and instruction to me. I have shared this knowledge with other Columbia Cemetery Conservation Corps volunteers.

The headstone resetting task was resumed on 23 April 2002. By Spring 2004, forty [40] headstones had been reset. Two more headstones were reset by June 2007.

I moved away from Boulder in July 2007 and return in Sept 2011. Since my return, I have reset another 03 headstones; 01 in Oct 2013 and 02 in June 2016. These last 03 are not yet been added to the table below.

Click on any surname in the 'Civil War Military Headstones Reset' table below for images of the headstone before and after being reset. Austin and Bound are the most graphic examples.

New and Replacement American Civil War Headstones
As many as 31 American Civil War veterans interred in Columbia Cemetery did not have a headstone as of Spring 2002. Most of these veterans' graves never had a headstone; 02 headstones had been broken.

In Jun 2002, applications were made to the US Department of Veterans' Affairs, National Cemetery Administration, Memorial Programs Service, for 10 government headstone. The headstones arrived in July 2002. The first two were set on 03 Aug 2002 by the Columbia Cemetery Conservation Corps volunteers. The 10th was set on 23Nov02. Images of the new government headstone can be seen by clicking on the surnames in the 'New and Replacement American Civil War Headstones' table below.

In Jun 2003, another 08 applications were submitted to the US Department of Veterans' Affairs for government headstone. The headstones arrived on 27 and 29 Oct 2003 and were set in November.

In Spring 2004 a single application was submitted, the headstone received and set.

On 09 and 13 June 2016 requests for Compiled Military Service Records [CMSR] for 10 American Civil War and Plains Indians Wars veterans were submitted to the National Archive. When a sufficient number have been received, application will be made to the US Department of Veterans' Affairs for additional military headstone for the unmarked veterans' graves.

Civil War Military Headstones Reset
Andrew, Joseph W. Pvt. Co. A  85th PENN INF died 23Aug1917
Austin, Thomas Pvt. Co. D 121th NY INF died 22Jan1905
Ball, Richard D. Pvt. Co. G  01st W.VA INF died 03Aug1905
Ballinger, John H. Pvt. Co. D  01st COLO CAV died 04Feb1871
Bard, Edward Pvt. Co. C / E  02nd COLO CAV / INF died 31Dec1915
Bennett, Fredrick W. Pvt. Co. E  01st ILL LGT ART died 19Jun1884
Bounds, Benjamin F. Sgt. Co. F  02nd KY CAV, USA died 24Dec1914
Bradfield, Zachariah Pvt. Co. H  21st MO INF died 21Oct1915
Cochran, Wesley M. Corpl. Co. A  40th OHIO INF died 01Sept1891
Crees, Jacob W. Pvt. Co. M  01st COLO CAV died 16Jun1905
Davis, John N. Pvt. Co. H  36th IOWA INF died 22Feb1903
Goodrich, David C. Pvt. Co. C  05th OHIO INF died 01July1882
Hardin, Benjamin J. Pvt. Co. B  15th IOWA INF died 20Nov1911
Hayward, Marshall T. Pvt. Co. E / G  02nd COLO CAV / INF died 11Apr1900
Hixson, Luther Sgt. Co. G  51st OHIO INF died 08Oct1910
Kimball, Leander W. 1st. Lieut. Co. E 111st PENN INF died 25Jan1904
Labbo, John Pvt. Co. A  05th MO S.M. CAV, USA died 29May1909
Leech, David E. Pvt. Co. I  01st PENN PRO. CAV died 17Apr1891
Lefever, Daniel W. Pvt.. Co. D  07th MICH CAV died 13Feb1903
Long, Benjamin H. Pvt. Co. C  03rd COLO CAV died 26Jul1921
Lucas, James C. Corpl. Co. B  06th IOWA INF died 26Jul1921
Marquardt, Frank [ Franz ] A. Pvt. Co. I  36th IOWA INF died 03Feb1880
McKinley, Lewis Austin Pvt. Co. B 155th ILL INF died 15Aug1898
Montgomery, John C. Pvt. Co. H  43rd WIS INF _no data_
Morgridge, William O. Pvt. Co. B  3rd MICH INF died 26 Mar 1883
Ogden, Aaron F. Pvt. Co. F   1st IOWA CAV died 07AUG1879
Pendleton, James G. Pvt. Co. A   7th ILL INF died 06Dec1922
Pickel, John H. Pvt. Co. B  03rd COLO CAV died 24Nov1896
Rouse, Sterling D. Corpl. Co. A  08th MO INF died 30Dec1886
Sheets, Henry W. Corpl. Co. C  30th MO INF died 01Jan1907
Smith, Ransom M. Pvt. Co. G 100th ILL INF died 31May1883
Squires, George C. Bugler Co. D  03rd COLO CAV died 10Aug1881
Stewart, Thomas Sgt. Co. G  17th IOWA INF died 22Nov1890
Tanner, George W. Capt. Co. I  12th PENN INF died 30Jul1899
Tourtellott, George H. Pvt. Co. D  03rd COLO CAV died 02Sept1894
Ward, Smith Gerrett Capt. Co. A  52nd ILL INF died 18Feb1904
Wardell, Joseph J. Corpl. Co. B 114th OHIO INF died 15Mar1900
Warwick, William Pvt. Co. C / K  33th / 38th WIS INF died 15Mar1900
Wiederhold, Theodore Pvt. Co. G 151st PENN INF died 16Nov1920
Wilcox, Isaac S. Sgt. Co. d  7th MICH CAV died 03Oct1920
Williams, John N. Sgt. Co. I  73rd ILL INF died 10Jan1918
Wilson, George W. Pvt. Co. E  11th MINN INF died 03Jun1904
Wilson, John Milton 1st Sgt. Co. D  48th OHIO INF died 27Nov1903

New / Replacement American Civil War Headstones
Abbey, William L. Pvt. Co. A 124th ILL INF died 03Oct1939
Corey, John R. Pvt. Co. C  19th MICH INF died 13Oct1907
Elliott, William A. Pvt. Co. D  03rd COLO CAV died 23Aug1922
Faust, Benjamin Pvt. Co. F 100th NY INF died 28Apr1910
Hathaway, Mark M. Capt. Co. E  47th USC INF died 26Jun1905
Ives, John N. Pvt. Co. G  89th NY INF died 25Jun1926
Luther, Amos O. Musc. F & S  20th IND INF died 24May1880
Luther, Henry E. Pvt. G / ? 7th / 3rd IND / US INF / L.Art died 01Dec1875
Marble, William H. Chaplin Field & Staff  20th WIS INF died 14Sept1903
McGraw, Aaron Pvt. Co. A  05th NY HVY ART died 16Jan1901
Merrow, Asa J. Pvt. Co. A  31st ME INF died 02Aug1920
Montgomery, John Milton Pvt. Co. B  22nd OH INF died 16Oct1932
Myers, Henry J. Sgt. Co. K  05th US CAV died 25Dec1896
Saunders, David Pvt. Co. I  52nd PENN INF died 21Nov1905
Selkirk, Edward A. Maj. Battery A  02nd NY HVY ART died 08May1878
Sisson, William H. Pvt. Co. G  41st ILL INF died 15Jan1940
Snider, Owen Pvt. Co. A / L  02nd CALIF CAV died 28Sept1913
Wallace, Lewis J. Pvt. Co. A  14th NY CAV died 27Oct1893
Wilson, William I. Pvt. Co. A  76th NY INF died 06Sept1901

GAR Flagholders
During the excavation of civil War military headstones preparatory to resetting, a half dozen cast iron Grand Army of the Republic flagholders were unearthed.

The star medallion of the flag holders are identical and measure 7.25 inch in diameter. The center is comprised of two concentric circles [ 3.25 and 3.75 inches in diameter ] with the words:

The Grand Army of the Republic Nathaniel Lyon Post No. 5 was reportedly active in Boulder from 1881 to 1940.

Further information regarding Boulder Country, Colorado, Grand Army of the Republic Post No. 5 is accessed from the following hyperlink.
  • 1895 Officers / Roster of GAR Post No. 5

    [ A number of GAR posts nation-wide were named for Brigadier General Nathaniel Lyon. His death at the Battle of Wilson's Creek ( Missouri ) on August 10, 1861, made him the first Union general to die on the field of battle during the American Civil War ].

    The star tips are stylized trifoliolate leafs with a five pointed star within. The interior of the star legs are as below:
  • 000 degrees:  Crossed rifle
  • 072 degrees:  Crossed canons
  • 144 degrees:  Bugle
  • 216 degrees:  Anchor
  • 288 degrees:  Crossed sabers

    Two different styles of support posts have been found; one is cast iron [ ~ 19 inches in length ]; the other is an iron rod [ ~ 17 inches in length ].

    The cast iron supporting post of one flag holder was broken about 3.25 inches below the medallion; view image of the broken / repaired GAR flagholder. This was graciously and masterfully repaired by Sid Gustafson, the University of Colorado [ Boulder ] Department of Physics Industrial Trades instructor and previously the owner/proprietor of Gustafson's Ornamental Iron Works, Inc.

  • Overview Columbia Cemetery
    Civil War Vets Roster
    Reset Civil War