Cemetery Works
Boulder, Colorado, USA
established 2001
Columbia Cemetery American Civil War Soldier's Story
Amos O. Luther Obituaries (2)
Principal Musician Amos O. Luther, Field & Staff, 20th IND Infantry;
born: Aug 1842; died: 24 May 1880; 57.8 years of age.

Two Amos O. Luther obituaries are transcribed below:
  • Boulder County Herald Weekly, 26 May 1880, page 4
  • Boulder News & Courier, 28 May 1880, page 3

  • Boulder County Herald Weekly,
    26 May 1880, page 4
    Death of A. O. Luther

    A. O. Luther is dead. In the presence of a number of friends he breathed his last Monday noon, having suffered intensely for over two weeks. The people of Boulder have carefully watched the condition of his health, more so than perhaps that of any other man who ever died, and were pained to hear of the progress of his deathly disease. Although deeply grieved at the result, they were not unprepared to hear the news yesterday that "Mr. Luther is dead."

    Mr. Luther was born in Porter, county, Indiana, August, 1842, and would consequently have been 38 years old next August. In '49 his father moved to Crown Point, Lake county, Indiana, where A.O. remained until the beginning of the war. He was an ardent lover of the Union, and was among the first to joint the army, being a volunteer in the 20th Indiana Regiment. He went with the army of the Potomac as far as he could, and was discharged a year after his enlistment on account of hernia, the same which 19 years later cost him his life.

    Until 1872 he made his home at Crown Point, Indiana, and followed railroad engineering as a profession. He assisted Surveyor Titcomb in locating the Chicago, Danville and Vicennes road; the St. Louis branch of the T.W. & W. road; the narrow gauge from Golden to Central, and the Longmont division of the C.C.

    In April, '72, he left Indiana for Cedar Rapid, Iowa, and in September of the same year he arrived in Golden. March 11th, '73, he came to Boulder, was for a while station agent of the C.C. road, and ever after was in some way connected with the county recorder's office. On July 3rd, 1873, he was married to Mrs. Barker by the Rev. Mr. Thompson.

    Two weeks ago last Friday he was first taken sick, and since then his life has hung in the balance, until yesterday death claimed its victim.

    Few men have ever had the entire good will and friendly feeling of a community as did A.O. Luther. Firm in his convictions of right, he never made an enemy by maintaining his convictions. Affable, kind, generous and full of soul-kindling vivacity, he numbered his admirers by the dozen, his warm friends by the score. In him Boulder has lost one of her truest and best friends.

    His aged father, whose silvery hair tell of 65 years of sunshine and sorrow, came from his county home in Indiana to bury the third son. Out of four only one is left, the oldest. One lies in Santa Barbara, Cal., and two sleep in Boulder's silent city of death.

    The funeral, which took place yesterday at two o'clock, was a long one, the firemen turning out in a body, and a large crowd of admiring friends accompanying the remains to the last resting place.

    Boulder News and Courier,
    28 May 1880, page 3, column 3

    At a meeting of Phoenix Hook and Ladder Company, held in their rooms last evening, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:
    WHEREAS, By the removal from an earthly tabernacle to one celestial, the will of an all universe, has been made manifest, and we are called upon to mourn the loss of our companion, associate, and brother, A.O. Luther, who by his uniform kindness, cheerfulness and intrinsic worth, has won the confidence and esteem of all who knew him, as an honorable and upright citizen and one whose memory all will hold in high esteem, and
    WHEREAS, We are desirous of expressing to the bereaved family and friends, the esteem in which he was held, and our fraternal regard for him, therefore, be it
    RESOLVED, That in the death of A.O. Luther we have lost a vigilant and valiant member, his family a kind and affectionate husband, society a useful and valuable member, and the public a capable and worth citizen.
    RESOLVED, That we extend our sympathies to the bereaved wife and friends in this severe affliction, and as we sing the sad requiem commending them to look for comfort in "Him who doeth all things well," ever remembering that the riper fruits and flowers are gathered first.
    RESOLVED, That these resolutions be spread upon our journal and furnish the several papers of this town for publication, and a copy sent the bereaved family,

    J.E. BEMUS,

    Boulder News and Courier,
    28 May 1880, page 3, column 6
    On Monday last, at his residence in this city, Amos Origin Luther, aged 38 years.

    The deceased was born in Porter county, Indiana, August, 1842. His mother died when he was only six years old. A year later his father married a second time, and moved to Crown Point, Indiana, where he still resides.

    In 1861 Amos enlisted with two brothers in the Twentieth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, which was assigned to the Army of the Potomac. He was with the men so fortunately rescued from destruction by flood at Hatteras. In the army he contracted the trouble which finally caused his death, and on account of it received his discharge, after only one year's service.

    Mr. Luther came to Colorado as a civil engineer in 1873, to Boulder the next year in April, and in July following he married Mrs. Susan Barker, who is now his widow.

    The immediate cause of his death, as proved by post mortem examination, was the strangulation of a concealed hernia. He had suffered from ordinary inguinal hernia from the time of his army service, but it had never given him special trouble until about two weeks ago, when the obscure symptoms characterizing his last illness set in. Although there was for a week past, suspicion in the mind of his physician of mischief at or near the seat of rupture, nothing could be discovered externally to indicate its certainty, and so obscure and contradictory throughout were the general symptoms, that hopes were entertained of his recovery throughout ordinary treatment, until too late for surgical investigation.

    Rev. Mr. Pratt of the Reformed Episcopal Church conducted the funeral services at the home and grave. He had know the deceased for some time, and his remarks were from the heart. We may be able to give them in full or in part next week. The remains were followed to the grave by a large concourse of citizens, the Fire Department turned out in a body.

    The father of the deceased was notified by telegraph of his son's illness, and arrived a day or two before the end. This is the second summons to the deathbed of a son the aged parent has received from Colorado, and a third boy died in California, too far away to the reached. Only one remains to comfort his declining years. Together with the bereaved widow, he has the earnest sympathy of innumerable friends in Boulder, who grieve with them over the loss of a most loveable man and esteemed citizen.

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