Cemetery Works
Boulder, Colorado, USA
established 2001
Columbia Cemetery American Civil War Soldier's Story
Henry E. Luther 'In Memoriam' and Burial Notice
Pvt. Henry E. Luther, Co. G, 7th Indiana Cavalry;
born: 1846-7; died: 01 Dec 1875; ~29 years of age.

Henry E. Luther's 'In Memoriam' and Burial Notice are transcribed below:
  • Boulder County News, 17 Dec 1875, page 3; a Friday weekly
  • The Colorado Banner, 16 Dec 1875, page 5

    17 December 1875, page 3
    In Memoriam

    At a special communication of Columbia Lodge, No. 14, A. F. & A. M., held at Boulder Colorado, December 11th, 1875, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted.
    WHEREAS, The Supreme Architect of the Universe has been pleased in his Infinite wisdom, to call from labor here to the Celestial Lodge on high, our well beloved Brother, H. E. Luther, late a member of Lake Lodge, No 157, at Crown Point, Indiana.; therefore
    Resolved, That while, as Masons, men and citizen, we mourn the loss of a faithful Brother, a young man of promise and a valued member of the "Third Estate;" yet are we consoled by the lesson of the Evergreen, teaching us a glorious resurrection and an eternal rest.
    Resolved, That we tender to the Father and relatives of our well beloved and greatly regretted Brother our deep and heart felt sympathies in this their great affliction.
    Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the Boulder papers and at the late home of the departed Brother, and that copies be sent to his friends and to Lake Lodge; and be spread upon the minutes of this Lodge.
    16 DECEMBER 1875, page 5
    THE Mason, on last Sunday, accompanied Mr. [Henry E.] Luther, brother of the gentleman [Amos O. Luther] in the recorder's office, to his last resting place. Mr. Luther had but a few days before returned from California, whither he had gone for his health. He had the consumption.
    Soliders Buried in
    Columbia Cemetery
    Columbia Cemetery
    Civil War
    Columbia Cemetery
    CWVs Roster;
    Surnames A-G
    Columbia Cemetery
    CWVs Roster;
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    Columbia Cemetery
    CWVs Roster;
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    Columbia Cemetery
    State Militia Veterans
    Columbia Cemetery
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